Exchange Tether ERC20 USDT to Cash Bulgaria (Sofia) BGN

Exchange rate: 1 USDT = 1.770692 BGN
min.: 18000 BGN

min.: 18000 BGN max.: 350000 BGN

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Please enter telegram, starting from @ or or number, starting from +

Please enter number, that starts from +

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  • All transactions undergo AML check.
  • The exchange rate is fixed within the first 30 minutes from the moment of creation of the application during the working hours of the service.
  • Funds are credited after the transaction receives 85 confirmations in the ERC20 network.
  • Funds are issued to the recipient within 24-48 hours after the application is paid. However, in some cases this process may take up to 72 hours.
  • Communication regarding the application is made exclusively via the contact details (e-mail, telegram) specified in the application.
  • The service uses as oracle several cryptocurrency exchanges such as:,,,,, exchange service commission is 0.5%.
  • If the payment is not made within 30 minutes from the moment of creation, the systеm automatically deletes the application. In case you have made a payment but the application has been deleted, please contact our support service.
  • For more details on the exchange procedure, see the link.
Exchange Tether ERC20 USDT to Cash Bulgaria (Sofia) BGN

To make an exchange, you need to follow a few steps:

  1. Fill in all fields of the submitted form. Click the “Exchange” button.
  2. Read the terms of the agreement for the provision of exchange services, if you accept them, check the appropriate box and click the “Create request” button.
  3. Pay for the application. To do this, you need to transfer the required amount by following the instructions on our website.
  4. After completing these steps, the systеm will redirect you to the “Application Status” page, where the status of your transfer will be indicated.